They should reflect what you are trying to portray with your décor and choice of furnishings. This doesn’t always mean you want them to look expensive, as you may not want people to think they are paying for your luxury premises.
Use posters and blow-ups of adverts and press articles about you inside the building.
Your premises need to be tidy both inside and out. An untidy premises infers an untidy disorganised business. How often do you see the team at McDonalds tidying up outside – they know it matters. Tax Inspectors are trained to interview people in rooms without any other files. What this does is create an impression they have all the time in the world to look into your affairs. Take a look at how tidy your premises look and whether it conveys the impression you want.
Not all businesses need special premises, and many self-employed people can work from home, creating convenience and cost savings. You may need to notify your house insurers as working from home can change the risk and your mortgage company. However, they are not normally a major obstacle. You could also look at using a shed in your garden and there are many suppliers of garden offices and workshops. Insurance for these will be a bit higher because of there being less security.
Serviced offices are also a very flexible way to take premises without any long-term commitment, often taking a licence for just one month at a time. They also offer services such as typing, reception, furniture, phone lines, etc.
If renting, get a solicitor with commercial experience to look at the lease. Areas to consider include…
- Length of the lease.
- Rent level.
- How often and the terms of rent reviews.
- Restrictions on use of the property.
- Can it be sub-let?
- Can you sell the lease on?
- Who is responsible for repairs and renewals?
- Who is responsible for internal decorating?
- Who pays the legal fees in connection with the lease?
- Consider the need for a survey, especially if it is a full repairing lease.
- What are the rates?
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.