Small accountancy firms in Wimbledon are not like huge international companies who provide clients with faceless call centre staff and conveyor belt servicing. However, because of this, and due to the number of accounting firms out there, it’s definitely difficult for accountants in Wimbledon to get their brand out there. The benefits of using a small company for your accountancy needs are significant. You can be part of a personable business relationship with someone who you’re on first name terms with. Smaller firms tend to be approachable, friendly, efficient and qualified to help you with all of the financial and bookkeeping aspects of your business. However advertising is key to success and one small accountancy firm in Wimbledon is bucking the trend for leaflets and flyers by advertising with a fully wrapped vehicle, which is bound to get people talking!
Car wrapping for Accountants in Wimbledon?
There’s a lot about Southside Accounts that’s totally unique for accountants in Wimbledon, such as they are the only accountancy firm to advertise via car wraps! For business advertisements the options are endless; flyers, billboards, radio announcements, TV and press – to name, but a few. However, they want to grab your attention, and to do this they use car wraps. You drive through their streets, you walk their paths and you’re within their local area and so it’s you they want to reach. Southside believe that the best way to do this is not through a boring everyday billboard sign, or annoying piece of junk mail stuffed through your letterbox, but to be in the car next to you on the road, the car who lets you cross the street or the car who allows you to come out of a junction.
Carefully crafted vehicle wrapping can make an impression
Vehicle wraps need to be tasteful, and to suit the sector they are fronting. It is suggested that viewers will take no more than 5 seconds to read any advert on the road – you can reduce this even further if that advert is moving! This is why Southside have had to be careful with the information they’ve have included on the vehicle wraps. Although there is an abundance of information for you to know about the company and their services, for a moving advertisement it’s the brand that counts so Southside keep details to a minimum. They want to grab your eye but not in a distasteful, flashy or gimmicky way and so they feel that by using professional signage and a short overview of who they are and what they do this will invite you to give them a call. Because they are always moving forward, Southside are using the Internet to show their innovative side, and will be posting another video when they change their branding, as its important for them to keep things fresh. So if you’re looking for an accountant in Wimbledon with a difference, then why not check out Southside Accounts!
Our car under the old brand:
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon.
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