With the average 40-year-old man having just 180,000 waking hours left to live, it’s important to make the best use of them. Here is a list of top time management tips for you to apply…
- Prioritise your workload.
- Write a priority action list at the end of each day, ready for tomorrow.
- See the job through – don’t start, put it down and come back to it as it wastes time getting started again.
- Delegate wherever possible. Especially unimportant jobs.
- Hold efficient meetings. Consider if they are needed at all? Holding meetings standing up or on the phone will shorten them and avoid wasted chitchat.
- Say “NO” if you’re not the right person to ask.
- Put time aside when colleagues know you’re not to be interrupted each day.
- Don’t do everything to perfection. Being 100% perfect takes twice as long as 90% perfection, which is often good enough.
- Use call logging sheets, not scraps of paper, to record phone calls.
- Distinguish between urgent and non-urgent interruptions. Something that is important isn’t always urgent.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.