Virtually every potential client I meet fees are one of the critical factor in employing an accountant. Fees should be a factor in a decision but it should not be an only factor. An appropriately qualified accountant may save you tax that could more than outweigh their fees. His/her advice to further your business could be invalauble to your business.
I have come across many accountants who are incredibly busy since they have to do far more work because they charging fees that are not a reflection of their time and skill involved. This means they are so engrossed in routine accounting tasks, they just do not have the time to be proactive for their clients. Potential clients inform me time and time again – “my accountant is not proactive and I only hear from him/her only once a year”. How can you expect an accountant to be proactive when the fees are so low? We as accountants are not blameless here. We fail to communicate this point to clients. This is because of the fear of losing them to another cheap accountant.
My point is if your are looking for purely compliance (routine) accountancy work, fair enough they are many accountants who provide a low cost service. Southside also provides this level of service as well. If you would like a proactive service providing tax and business advice you will need to pay more. Accountant fees are based on time and skill involved in doing your work.
The old adage applies – You get what you pay for folks. With Southside there are no hidden fees, the fees we quote are the fees you pay.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.