As a self employed individual or a director of a limited company, you may be experiencing the best that a modern day accountant has to offer, or at least we hope so!
25 years ago, an accountant’s role was limited to review of numbers on paper, with a view to past performance. The stereotype of a middle aged, balding man in a suit with a calculator in his front pocket existed for a reason! At its core though still, the accountant’s goal was to provide business support via reliable numbers to help determine profitability and pay the right amount of tax.
So what does a modern day accountant do differently?
With the rapid growth of smart technology and the internet, the accountant’s tool box has changed dramatically – as it has for most professions! We are all now working smarter and faster and in a much smaller world, with the sharing of ideas and information at a click of a button.
The possibilities of technology are endless, both from a positive and a negative perspective, and i’m delighted to report that the accounting industry has moved with the times, and embraced technology to deliver an enhanced service to the business world.
The core ethos of handling numbers for your business has not changed, but how we present and use them has. Access and control of your day to day numbers via your mobile device, being able to understand what the numbers mean by using cloud technology and looking at the same data as your accountant in real time, and actively analysing your business progress on a regular basis, looking forward rather than retrospectively – how powerful is that!
Cloud accounting technology has been revolutionary for everyone who has experienced it, and before long we hope all small business’ will be using the expertise of a cloud accountant as standard.
Us accountants may still carry around a calculator when we go out to meet clients but we now also carry our computers!
So put away that old idea that you only need an accountant for your books. If it’s to do with the numbers of your business, then it’s to do with modern accounting!
Are you looking for a modern accountant? See if Southside Accounting fits the bill.
Written by Shaima Todd.
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