Would a branded bicycle tarnish the image of Southside Accountants? Is this a totally wacky idea? You do not see our competitors in Wimbledon doing this.
It is because other accountants in Wimbledon would not even dream of doing this; we are exploring the idea. Of course, it needs to be done in a tasteful manner in keeping with Wimbledon’s image and our reputation as one of the key players amongst many accountants in Wimbledon.
The picture below is just a germ of an idea. It needs a lot of refining to bring it up to our standards.
I am the proprietor of Southside Accountants. I am a keen commuter cyclist. My commute is an 8 mile round trip every day to the office. I love every minute of it. Okay, at times when it is pouring with heavy rain and strong wind, I say to myself this is mad.
If I missed just a day’s cycling, I am grumpy whole day, and there is a drop in my productivity.
Increased cycling as a means of commuting in Wimbledon would improve the quality of our lives. They are the obvious benefits of keeping Wimbledon smog free, safe and of course improve the health of Wimbledonians.
Since I cycle far more than I drive, branding my bicycle in keeping with our image is the way forward?
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.
What do you think? Please let us know by commenting below.
As another keen cyclist I can see why you would consider this, but I am always concerned that these fixed placards could catch the wind and blow you into a hedge or something.
If you wanted to associate your company with the many advantages of cycling, maybe a more effective idea would be by sponsoring bike lockups or cycling service stations.
Alternatively you could also give branded cycling jerseys to your best customers or even sponsor a local team.
Thanks for your comments Toby.
I have been thinking a lot about how to handle the branding and I failed to come up with a viable solution. So your suggestions may be a way forward.
I just want us to be different to other accountants. I will give it all further thought.