Q. I have put my hairdressing salon up for sale as I can’t face the hassle and cost of RTI. I am self-employed and not VAT registered, but the proceeds from the business sale will take me over the VAT threshold. Do I have to register for VAT and charge VAT on the sale of the business?
A. If you sell the business assets and goodwill together, so that the purchaser can pick up where you stop and carry on the business, it will be treated as being a transfer of a going concern and outside the scope of VAT. So you don’t have to charge VAT on the business sale or register for VAT. More information about transferring a business as a ‘going concern’ is given in the VAT leaflet no. 700/9: Transfer of a business as a going concern.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.