We are like any other business. We are looking for cost effective ways to increase our exposure to potential clients. One area we think will generate good return on investment is on car branding. Most accountants are traditionalist through their training as a result they have not exploited this lucrative area.
We are different. We would like to brand our cars with tasteful designs that is in keeping with the profession but at the same time are not boring and stuffy. Here is where you come in.
We would be grateful for your views (feedback) on the car branding design links below. Please indicate which one you like. The one with the highest number of votes will be our chosen design.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Here are the links:
beetle_rosette This file has 6 pages
lines This file has 2 pages
A big thank you to Bison Bison (one of our clients) for the designs.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Southside Accountants Wimbledon & London.
Lines. Although it needs a little more on the back and front as well as the side.
Quite liked the last ones in rosettes too (the multicolour).
Thanks Osman. Lets see reaction from clients as well.