This is a well known Covey’s book. I found it a heavy read. I forced myself to complete the book. It made a lot of sense, but I did not apply his suggestions. After a few months, I heard the audio version of the book. This again was not an easy listen. I found his ideas and concepts very helpful. To fully understand Covey, I will need to listen to his audio book several times.
The area that I related to most was his inside-out approach – my interpretation of this – to be successful we need to start looking at ourselves first . “The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act.’’ These paradigms are the source of our attitudes and behaviors. We cannot act with integrity outside of them. We simply cannot maintain wholeness if we talk and walk differently than we see. To try to change outward attitudes and behaviours does very little good in the long run if we fail to examine the basic paradigms from which those attitudes and behaviours flow.
Covey says achieving insight involves making a ’’paradigm shift’’ which causes us to perceive things differently. He notes that life threatening experiences or a major role change in a person’s life can change a person’s paradigm. Sometimes, just a little more knowledge might help us examine our paradigms.
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